Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
World's largest DYNACORD P64 installation at Autostadt Wolfsburg

Motor manufacturer Volkswagen has updated the sound reinforcement equipment in its 25ha. (2.7m sq ft) Autostadt Wolfsburg car distribution centre and ZeitHaus automobile museum.

The project was undertaken by M-Akustik and Profi Musik and its centrepiece is the world's largest Dynacord P64 system.

In the course of the installation, the team was able to build on an already existing DYNACORD system: the Autostadt already possessed twenty DYNACORD ELA control centres plying the various brand pavilions and catering areas with background music and announcements.

For the implementation, the team relied on the DYNACORD PROMATRIX-4000 systems that were for the most part already installed.

These were upgraded and each networked with DYNACORD P64 matrices driven by 116 DYNACORD DPA 4411 power amplifiers and 13 DYNACORD TPI 8 touch panels.

The installed system now combines in its entirety 13 different buildings in a redundant configuration with four local priority, three superordinate priority, and 12 network-wide background programmes.

From the master control centre, announcements can be assigned to the individual buildings with different priority levels. An identical system is installed in a second building to serve as a backup in case of system failure.

Another unusual feature of the installation is the Autostadt's integrated studio, which plies visitors daily with 12 different music programmes simultaneously.

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